Monday, May 30, 2005

Peninsular flooding

So late last night/early this morning a thunderstorm woke me up - and it was so intense that although I didn't open my eyes, I could see the flash of lightning right through my eyelids.

I think all the commotion out there was responsible for my having had a random sex dream last night, somewhat unusual by my dreaming standards.. The interesting part (well, not the ONLY one) was that the other person in my dream just had a blurry face. How convenient of my subconscious to leave it up to my conscious mind to decide whose face gets to go there!! That hidden psyche, it's so thoughtful sometimes.

The only other thing is that my poor cat somehow got out and got rained on. I blame it on the roommates! I let him in and after licking himself dry he's passed out on my bed.

Hmm... I have this urge to be a hermit today, as my driveway's now flooded. I really want to go to some Spoleto event later on...


Blogger Hillbilly Mom said...

This one band camp... Ooops! That's another story!

During my first year of teaching, there came a big rain and then it froze overnight. We missed about 20 days of school in a row. My car was parked in a puddle, and the left rear tire of my little Chevy Chevette froze in it. After about the first 5 days I went stir crazy. So I took a hatchet and chopped my little car free. OK, so it's a redneck thing to do, but it worked. The only problem was that if I went over 15 miles an hour, my frozen tire started thumping like a flat tire. So I just drove slowly, and parked on higher ground when I got back.

I guess the point of this story is to tell you: be glad you live in the South and that it's just rain.

10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to the 'sphere, Devashan.

Just a couple of (unsolicited) suggestions:

1. If you need help with the sidebar-links to other sites, go to They have a good, and easy, setup. They basically can auto-install on blogger.

2. Get off blogger comments as soon as possible. I personally like or comments. They're both good. Haloscan is slightly easier to install, although I've heard they only keep the last 20 comments or so. (but, they also allow you to e-mail yourself whenever you get a comment, so you can always keep the older comments that way.) Haloscan is much easier---and much more reliable---than Blogger comments.

3. Keep posting. There's nothing that generates more traffic than constant updates.

4. To track all that traffic, go to, or Both have easy-to-install Blogger tie-ins, and they're both good traffic moniters (remember to block out your own IP Address).

I got to you from Alexandria Leigh, so that's a good reference right there. I look forward to reading more.


12:51 PM  
Blogger Devashan said...

hillbilly mom:
You're so right, I AM glad to live in the South. BUT, our cockroaches DO fly!

bathroom reading:
Thanks so much for the tips and for checking out my blog!

5:27 PM  

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