Monday, September 12, 2005


That's the precise term for how I feel right now. I'm watching Unsolved Mysteries and hibernating in my bed with the blinds closed. Why is jet lag such a bitch? Why, oh why is it such a rotting, one-eyed whore? And why do I continuously defy good sense and stay out drinking even when I'm really tired, until I get drunk enough that I no longer realize I'm tired? Yes, and why is it that my friends insist on buying me drinks to coerce me into staying once I've threatened to go home? Bastards.

That all being said, at least I don't have to go back to work for ten days. Plenty of time to revel in self-destructive behavior several times, then recover.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd enjoy the freebie drinks if I was you ... too bad I don't get offered any.

6:07 PM  

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