Friday, July 07, 2006

Insomnia & Blind Date

Around midnight I'm usually sleepy, but for some reason sketchy reality date shows give me a second wind. I especially like it when the men are the desperate and needy ones. Lately they've been airing episodes of Elimidate where the girls all wear masks until they're eliminated. It's so fun when the guy ends up with the ugly girl. And during the commercials I rot my brain with catty celebrity-hater blogs that eviscerate the likes of Lindsay Lohan. I'm a hater, I'll admit it. I can't stand that bitch. I could opine on how nasty it is that she snorted her way into being drastically underweight, then got implants, but there're plenty of people out there doing that..

New Graffiti out tomorrow! Please check out my column online if you live outside of Charleston - or if you live here, and you can't find the mag in its usual spots due to the carelessness of the crackhead my editor hired to distribute the thing.

Holiday's officially over! Tomorrow, my week off from any official exercise will end! My butt's getting on the damn treadmill before it starts looking like La Lohan's. Also, today I cleaned out my checking account and loaded up on edamame, bananas, carrots, tomatoes, and avocado. I'm going to take a stab at actually eating the recommended servings of fruits and vegetables every day.. a novel thought, huh?


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