Hurricane fun!
I can't believe it, it's almost been a totally blog-free August. I was really busy, though, seriously, for the past month... Apex Broadcasting has insinuated itself into every aspect of my life. I've still been writing the column for Graffiti, and now I'm also appearing once a week on 96 Wave's morning show in the "Waitress in the Sky" segment, so lately, both the magazine and the radio show are at me to show up at random events in exchange for free beer. For instance, Stupid Mike of 96 Wave fame ran for mayor of James Island so I came out to campaign headquarters and witnessed his swan song ("Tiny Dancer") upon hearing of his landslide defeat.
I have a friend coming over with liquor shortly to celebrate the hurricane and resume our Six Feet Under marathon. That way, if we suddenly have to evacuate, we'll be not only totally unprepared, but absolutely blotto as well.
Oh, and two more creatures joined our household (already consisting of three people, two cats, a dog, several fish, two hermit crabs) - a bird of some sort, I'd say cockatiel sounds right. He looks like this:

He's pretty cool, actually. He lives on the front porch and has many varieties of conversational tweets and only occasional screaming of bloody murder. I really like the little comb on the top of his head. When he puts it all the way up, it makes him look like a quizzical little punk rocker. My roommates call him "Bird" but I think he looks like a Nate.
The other one is a huge fucking evil-looking banana spider I've been calling "Tammy." This is what she looks like:

Pretty fucky scary, right? She lives between one of our chairs and the shutter to the left of the back door and is a lethal mosquito-exterminating porch-vixen and really only asks that you don't approach her or blow on her web (Stephanie.) And, anyway, thanks to Tropical Storm Ernesto, it's perfect porch weather today.
I named her "Tammy" and I want the credit! - Blarg!
Don't be silly. I've always thought Tammy would make a good spider name.
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