Saturday, July 09, 2005

Delayed Empathy Woman!

"I feel really bad about yesterday..."

I've figured something out. Ever wonder who you'd be if you were a superhero? I know who I'd be... because I am.. Delayed Empathy Woman!! Here to belatedly suffer your woes with you (like tomorrow, maybe)! Here to remember that something was bothering you back in '87! Heck, I'll even ditch you for an evening just so I can wake up and feel your pain tomorrow!!

dah dah dahdaaaahhhhhhh! DEW!


Blogger Alexandrialeigh said...

I think I'd have to be...Antisocial Girl!

See her wry sense of humor make people run for cover! Watch her whine and decline all invitations to socialize!

6:55 PM  
Blogger Devashan said...

Wait a minute, you're two months older than me. Why am I "Woman" while you're "Girl"?

Life just ain't fair sometimes ;)

3:07 AM  

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