Thursday, June 16, 2005

Sometimes, I just don't know.

Okay, so tonight I ran into a guy I knew in high school. It must've been eigh t years since we really hung out. Long story (and, oh God, it is) short, I told him I'd give him a ride home from the bar, a short distance away. Well, when we got there, he had (oops, patting pockets..) lost his key. So he devised an interesting scheme to get in - we'd go around back and I'd climb his balcony. Okay, sure, I thought. Not gonna happen, but I'll go ahead and prove I'm game. Well, he attempted to hoist me onto his shoulders, which resulted in our (drunkenly) toppling over several times, but then, I managed to actually stand all the way up and grasp the bars of the balcony. Having gained some 15 -20lbs. since high school, I seriously doubted my ability to lift my own weight over the railing. Well, ladies and gentlemen, it wasn't easy, but I did it. I scaled the balcony! I let him in and he said, "Don't you feel young again?" Yeah, actually.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of people you've run into after a while ... you probably don't remember me too well :-)

You knew me better as Niteshade about 7 to 9 years ago now, back when we hung out on ICQ with Agent Tapioca and co.

Good to see some of us are doing well!

6:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

^ LMFAO at this guy ^

Who was it you ran into?

8:09 PM  
Blogger Devashan said...


hey!! nice to know you're still out there :)


oh, i'll just call you so we can gossip at length.

10:29 PM  

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