Tuesday, July 05, 2005

get out of my house!

Out, damn houseguests!

I'm saying it here so I don't have to say it out loud.

I came home from my last trip to find two approximately 20-year-old boys sleeping on the couches in the living room, courtesy of the two 20-year-old girls who are living here for the summer.

One of my year-round roomies says they were supposed to spend one night, and that night was actually the fourth. Last night I thought they'd left b/c they weren't sleeping on the couch. But they were HERE when I woke up and they're just milling around the house now. Apparently they slept on the beach last night and one of them had an insanely boring story about a couple skinny-dipping near them to tell me while I was scrambling eggs for myself this morning.

Interesting how apparently the girls said, "You can't sleep here anymore.. but you can hang out at the house all day while we're at work." That to me, still sort of consitutes staying here. Maybe that's just me, huh?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kick them out. Have serious words with your roommates for that is totally unacceptable. So what if they've slept on the beach ... not your problem!

4:35 PM  
Blogger Devashan said...

I tend to try to fly under the radar round here in this household... and just laugh at all the passive-aggressive behavior getting flung around.. but maybe I'll get (shudder) directly involved.

12:53 PM  

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