Monday, November 14, 2005

ABC Execs, read this!

Wow, Desperate Housewives really sucks this season. What the hell is going on? The writers are spinning in this sad, mad circles trying (desperately) to hold on to our attention, and it's obvious! There has been absolutely no character development this season, save for one moment of Gabrielle's character going, "Gee, it might not be so bad to be pregnant and married after all!" after a reunion with her shallow model friends. Nope, there's only been more stupid stunts designed to shock us all, which we've all seen coming from, like, whatever main drag it is that leads to Wisteria Lane. I hate it when this happens to shows - they're so consumed with and boggled by their success with the first season, they resort to running pitiful laps around their old plotlines. bleehh.

Grey's Anatomy is a pretty decent show with several characters I enjoy, two of them NOT being the hot doctor and his wife who can't even scrounge up enough chemistry to have a realistic fight, this being all the more noticeable as each episode is sprinkled with scenes of hot doctor and Meredith repeatedly accidentally sharing the same elevator and reacting alternately with smoldering glances and martyred silences. What is wrong with TV shows that they can't ever let the two most prominent characters share a successful romance anymore? It's always back-and-forth, torture the audience.. and then MAYBE they get together at the last possible moment, in the last episode as the credits are beginning to slide across their bodies, a la Friends' Ross and Rachel. Wtf? That kind of shallow victory of romance over, um, no romance is not at all satisfying to audiences. We want to watch the hot people swooning all over each other and frolicking through flower-speckled fields, cause all we're planning on doing is getting up in a few minutes to take our leftovers out of the microwave and then maybe pick some cat hairs off our sweatpants. It's about vicarious living! So don't give us characters with too miserable of lives - we like to know they're capable of misery, but at the end of the day the whole point is to escape our own misery.. Wow, that's deep. ..(sob)

Meanwhile, Lost is fucking amazing. I'm considering putting all of my loved ones on a timeframe in which they must watch it, or court being blackballed out of my inner circle. This show is perhaps the most original and thought-provoking series since Twin Peaks. I daresay my faith in the general public has been partially restored by the positive response Lost has generated. How do I love thee, Lost? Let's see. Most importantly, the characters are well-developed, thanks to the use of backstory through flashbacks, so we give a damn about them. There's romance, action, adventure, supernatural elements, heroes, anti-heroes, major subversion of what was a tired genre (Survivor, anyone?), philosophy (thanks, Locke), hotness (thank YOU, Sawyer!), humor (Hurley), and more all tied together by an overriding sense of foreboding and mystery. Ahh. My cup runneth over on Wednesday nights. Oh and, my favorite character is Sayid. Is that how you spell it? I've had people criticize me for favoring a former member of the Iraqui Republican Guard, blah blah blah, but this is fiction, so shut the fuck up. He's just a good character - a tortured soul, filled with wisdom, regret, hope..? I like him because he's capable of anything. He's lived his life to extremes before and now, on the island, it's no different. Whatever. I just don't want him killed off.


Blogger Alexandrialeigh said...

You should write for Television Without Pity.

I agree with you on all counts, by the way. And how much do you miss Six Feet Under?

3:45 PM  
Blogger Devashan said...

Um, I was thinking about the last episode today and I teared up momentarily.. it's still too soon!

5:18 PM  

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