Monday, January 30, 2006

Fuck the corporate pigs!

So the shit is really hitting the fan at my company right now. The pilots are on strike, except for some military flights, and a bunch of 'em have been suspended without pay - my father included. The thing is, without getting into all the boring logistics of company business, we're actually a hugely profitable airline. The pilots were in negotiations for their new union contract, and the company took advantage of the situation to try to force them into a scope clause merging their seniority list with that of an airline our company acquired last summer. Part of the new deal is getting rid of us flight attendants, too, as we're unionized and expensive compared to the flight attendants at this other company. Corporate greed is the bogeyman here - it's almost like we're damned if we do, and damned if we don't because the success of our operations clearly hasn't made much of an impact over at HQ. It's all about expanding operations so the corporate fat cats can continue rewarding themselves with six-figure bonuses, etc.

The last time pilots at our company went on strike was 1978 - and it lasted for three months, and culminated in a pilot getting shot.

So anyway. I go on call tomorrow, but I'm thinking I'll end up sitting at home for awhile as things are so screwy out there, what with planes sitting around, unmanned, etc. I'm considering joining the picket in Atlanta. We flight attendants have a No strike, no lockout clause in our contract that prevents us from conducting a so-called "sympathy strike," but we're free to join the pilots on the picket line. What do you think, is "Fuck you fuckers!" a good catchphrase for a sign?


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