Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Far be it from me to malign the obsessive, time-sucking void known as myspace, as I admit that I dearly love it, despite the issues of codependency it has created in my life. I mean, I can keep up with my friends from afar in a way much more visually and aurally stimulating than e-mail, and I don't have to actually contact them to briefly ascertain that they're still breathing and haven't been subjected to any calamities or so forth.

However, myspace's stalker-friendly format is really starting to allow certain shameless behaviors of mine to thrive. Let's just say I'm having some difficulties not religiously scrutinizing a particular profile. Myspace makes it harmless and easy to be pathetic and stalkerish.

But perhaps, my friends, that is not such a bad thing. My argument (if, for instance, I was called out in regards to these little mystalks and had to resort to inexplicable defensiveness) could be that myspace serves as a sort of social placebo for those of us who are subject to momentary lapses of sanity on a more or less regular basis. It satiates some moronic need to give in to emotional neediness, and prevents us from making asses out of ourselves in real life.

Right? Yeah? Okay. I'm limiting myself to twice a week. I swear.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

once or twice a week....that seems reasonable. ;) you aren't alone with this behavior. I find my curiosity difficult to curb when faced with enough free time and a lack of place to channel it... of course it does beat picking up the phone and calling someone, or some other weak behavior occasionally exhibited towards that person on your mind...i think both parties concerned can agree to that. I think most people do a little mystalking once in a while, even if they don't admit it... more healthy to satify your curiosity quickly than to obsess

5:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do it too... We are all guilty ;)

1:11 AM  

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