Thursday, May 18, 2006

Good news?!?

I haven't blogged in a lil while, but only because things have been going really, really well. It was almost painful to type that just now - see, I'm used to visiting my little blog world when I'm aggravated/pissed off/disenchanted/feeling sorry for myself, etc. Consumed by any primarily negative emotion, really. Hey, I'm used to bitching.

The other thing is, if I elaborate on the various happenings in my life that have led to what I'm sure is obnoxiously giddy behavior on my part, I risk jinxing them. But what the fuck, I can't just quit blogging until things get worse at some point. So here goes.

I've just been hired to do what I've wanted to do my entire life - write! Some part of my soul will truly be fed when I see my name in print (other than on a bill or something), yay! I'll finally be relating the fascinating tales of my globetrotting to more than the three or so people who read this blog (I love y'all. Thanks.) Here is the publication. I have to say, although my work won't appear in Graffiti for another week, I've already had a smashing time coming up with random sentences involving the phrase "my editor" or "my column." God, I love sounding self-important.

The other thing is, I met somebody I like quite a bit. Enough that I feel sorta nauseous when I think about him. It scares me a bit that I like him. I mean, I'm an independent sort of soul. Awfully so, I'd say. And some part of the equation that equals independence includes a degree of self-control. Being all giddy and stupid about a boy makes me feel kinda dumb. But in a I-don't-mind-feeling-this-way-if-you-do-too-but-I-can't-know-if-you-do-hence-the-nausea kinda way.

But if all goes according to plan, I'll go to Thailand on Monday, my column will be a huge success, and this boy will decide he likes me as much as I like him..

Stay tuned.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Luck!

11:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shouldn't this blog have been titled "lookuphere"? - Blarg!

4:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

congrats!!! i'm so excited for you (for the published writing, for the new boy)...i don't comment all the time but i'm a faithful reader! :) you're such a talented writer! and to think, i knew you back when...did you use the tips we got in feature writing to get published?

8:00 PM  

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