Okay now buh-bye.
After getting over a vicious hangover today, I was informed by Crew Scheduling that I'll be heading to Leipzig, Germany tomorrow. So it looks like auf wiedersein, Thailand, at least for now. Damn it. I'm trying to keep things in perspective - that two weeks ago I would have cheerfully throttled some other hapless flight attendant for a chance to go to, oh, I don't know, Arkansas. And I dearly love Germany and am pleased to be going when it's not ridiculously cold.
So. I was supposed to be an extra in my friends' band's music video tomorrow. I guess this means no writhing around on hoods of cars for me, eh? (I don't think that's what they had in mind.)
Plus, I've been trying to avoid thinking about this, but the aforementioned boy that I like told me he doesn't want to be in a relationship. Okay, I really need some of you out there to weigh in on this. Do people ever say that to people that they really like? 'Cause I really think he likes me, I mean, he did put up with my obnoxiously drunk ass last night. But in my personal history, when you tell somebody you aren't sure that you want to be in a relationship at the moment, you mean you don't want to be in a relationship with them. Please, comment. Don't spare my feelings. Go for the jugular if you have to. I can take it.
In other news, I appear to have lost the ability to pack all necessary belongings in a lightning-quick fashion.. After sitting at home for so long, my packing now consists of much pacing about and little activity to and from my suitcase.
Don't forget - those of you who'll be in Charleston next week, please pick up a copy of Graffiti, and if you happen to feel like writing my editor a letter about how insanely enjoyable my column is, all the better.
Things don’t sound too hopeful...Sorry. There are plenty more birds on that wire. Now go off on your exotic travels and have “Danger” fun and bring us back some good stories. God knows this blog needs some (ha ha) – Blarg!
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