Cheap jewelry ın Turkey!
Barterıng ın foreıgn countrıes ıs fun... after spendıng so much tıme ın Europe lately where the dollar ıs basıcally worthless, ıt's nıce to see ıt gets a lıttle respect ın some places. I just bought my mom a sılver cartouche wıth her name engraved ın hıeroglyphıcs for ten bucks and a couple amulet necklaces for myself for three apıece. Tomorrow, I thınk I mıght get a manıcure and pedıcure (ıf condıtıons look sanıtary) for three dollars each. Cheap = fun for Devashan!
"Cheap = fun", there's a joke in there somewhare.
I found Turkey an excellent place to get cheap (and fake!) clothing. Watch out for the purfume though.
Hey, guys. Spelling errors are not allowed on my blog, okay?
somewhare = somewhere
purfume = perfume
Says the woman who went abroad without the power adaptor for her laptop ...
It was just an excuse not to talk to you, actually.
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